Interreligious Prayer for Peace
Januar 9, 18:00 - 20:00
Interreligious Prayer for Peace
In today’s Europe we are confronted with war again, as well as with numerous societal problems, and many times we cannot interfere directly or bring a quick solution.
In difficult situations, believers of all faiths have turned to their creator in prayer in order to strengthen goodness and all- embracing love. This is the reason that we are starting an interreligious prayer evening where representatives of different faiths offer a contribution for peace, may it be a prayer, a song or reading from a Holy Scripture.
This first prayer evening is being initiated by Krya Yoga, the Family Federation for World Peace and the Universal Peace Federation, supported by the Peace Museum Vienna.
We hope that many more religions can join in future.
As this first evening is being held in the facility of the Family Federation for World Peace, we kindly ask you to contact Mag. Elisabeth Cook, if you are able to participate.
Date and place:
January 9, 2025, 18:00
1070 Wien, Seidengasse 28, 1st floor.
Please contact Mag. Elisabeth Cook, +43 650 6015434
With kind regards,
The organisers